My First Arrangement | Minnesota's Newest Florist | Minneapolis, MN


This was the first arrangement I ever made (officially as Minne Floral Co.). All of the flowers were cut from my very own garden + I may or may not have stolen a branch or two from my neighbor’s lilac bush ;)

At first I was a little skeptical about the flower frog and my abilities, but once I started getting all my flowers in the bowl, I was hooked! I am so proud of what I made :) If you like it, let me know. If you don’t, lie to me :)

JK. I actually really love constructive criticism and am always looking for ways to improve! Let me know what you think!

Tools — shears, a white ceramic cereal bowl, & 2in flower frog.

Flowers — peonies + snapdragons + cosmos + salvia + lilac foliage


Engagement Session + Garden Bouquet | Hannah Ampe Photography